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SonicLife 1.2.1

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: ,
SonicLife v1.2.1 | Download
The application runs a simple cellular automaton on a grid of cells. The cells can be interacted with by touch and triggers of three different colors can be placed on the grid. The automaton can be set to five different rule-sets, from classic Game of Life to simple horizontal or vertical stepping. Triggers are fired by "alive" cells and send their state as OSC messages to a configurable host on the same Wi-Fi network. Cells and triggers can be randomized by shaking the device.

The application is compatible with software that supports the OSC protocol such as Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue 3, Plogue Bidule, Reaktor, Quartz Composer, vvvv and others.

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch Requires iPhone OS 2.0 or later

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